Monday, August 11, 2008

Chaos Chariot crashes onto the battlefield

Here is the chariot more or less complete. I just need to decide what kind of grass I'm gonna put on the base.

Overall I'm quite happy with the finished result, there are a few things I may fix or do to it later but for now other than basing it's done.

One down only three more chariots to build and paint.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Crew progress

Ok, the Chariot and steeds are done. Here's an update on the crew, still a bit to finish on them but they are shaping up nicely.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Chariot of Chaos on the horizon

Here is a chariot I'm working on for my Warriors of Chaos army. I've gone for a worn chipped armor effect to give a grim look to the army.

Fantastical adventures in miniature

A chronicle of my time spent gaming and painting in fantastic worlds. Anything from the veiled mists of the time of Swords and Sorcerers to the far future where man is pitted against aliens in an eternal war for control over galaxies.